Friday, July 15, 2011

Don't you think some flowers, pretty daisies, would lighten up the room?: PSC Day 4

New subject! And it is flowers. First up is the ever popular rose. From symbolism to even pop songs (the one from Seal automatically comes to mind), roses have been everywhere and are used for nearly everything...especially songs.
"BAYBEEHHHH!....somethin', somethin', somethin' KISS FROM A ROSE-somethin' YEAH!"

Now, I've drawn roses before, but they all have the same method about them. The method consisting of, "draw-a-bunch-of-curves-until-it-looks-flower-like-and-color-it-red-method."

Surprisingly, I couldn't find many good photos that I liked for roses. We do have the good fortune of living in a neighborhood where there are a ton of different flowers and also having a neighbor who grows them among a vast assortment of other beauties in her yards, but I'm too shy to go over and ask for one. And going over there just to stare at her flowers seem a bit shifty and creepy for someone to do.
"Nice marigolds y'got there!"
Anyway, I turned my direction to web for reference and found a few I could work with. The first day results:

After just drawing these two today I got bored. This was harder than I thought for some reason. Maybe I'm not thinking about it the right way, but hey not too shabby. Let's try to push it even further with the top one:

Much better. Now with the second one!:

This was rushed. Had to do some chores real fast so I gave it the minimum of my attention. I'll definitely be using roses again in my work. They are quite lovely.

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