Friday, August 26, 2011

Same song, second verse

I'M BACK MOTHA-- Hahahaha, just joking:)
Oh how I missed you guys! I promise to never leave you alone again! I don't trust you.
Anywho, I'm still getting the hang of classes over here on this end, hence the abandonment. I'll be starting the actual art classes, Drawing 1 and Foundations in Digital Art, this semester, I'm so happy!! I can't wait to start!

I had to drop Life Drawing 1 though because Drawing  was a prerequisite for it. That's a thing for next semester. I'm kinda glad that's the way it happened because I'm pretty sure I would have been very uneasy in there...

So far, it's been a pretty "meh" week. Nothing too good, nothing too bad either, it's just......there. Hopefully the semester gets better soon. Good news is I've made a new friend and she's awesome. Can't wait to hang out again with the gang.

So you're probably wondering, "Chinedu, where's the artwork? I don't come here to hear about your life!" and to that I say, ".....why you insensitive little-"
Again, joking. I'll get back to drawing once I get everything balanced. The only days I have truly free are the weekends, so my updates might go down to once a week. Ahh!!! I know! SCARY! I already have about three little projects going or in mind. Don't worry!
So with that, I bid thee good day! I'll see you...tomorrow?
I'll think of something.

 Hahaha......I am.

Later guys! :D

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