My mom is the one who has given me all these things to draw so far and I thank her for helping me so much. That night when we we discussing possible subjects, we got to dogs, and I knew as soon as she picked that subject she would pick IT. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you...the Chow Chow.
For some strange reason, and ridiculous name aside, my mom absolutely loves this dog. As the saying goes, only my mom could love this face. It's like a mix between an old man and fat Ewok... neither which want to go on living (or saving the Empire for that matter).
Other than their numerous rolls of ....fur? Fat? Skin? I dunno.....anyway, other than that and their mushed face appearance, Chow Chows are also identified by their purple tongues. It just gets better and better don't it? So, today, in honor of my mom's wishes, I went through with it and drew her a chow.
Finding good stock photos where they correctly showed the breed characteristics was actually waaaaaay harder than I thought and took me hours last night using the site I normally use, but I finally got some good pictures.
...just.....LOOK AT IT! |
Fist off, many rolls..... I was constantly getting lost on where I was and had to keep changing my under-structure layer(layer -blue) because I just couldn't tell where anything was. I had to shrink the head, make it bigger, redo the face like a blillion times until I got it pretty close to the actual picture.
Pictured: Nearly 3 hours of torture. Thanks Mom. |
I was finally able to get it down, lastly, the fur and the shading, were the easiest and best part of it. Still crying from the first one, I moved onto the second Chow Chow. It will get better. I have it down now!
Surprise! Same problems, same depression. This one was somehow HARDER than the first one. Yeah, HARDER. It's the faces.....those flabby faces. But you know what? I am sooooooo, incredibly glad that I'm done for today. YOU HEAR THAT CHOW CHOW?! I'M OVER YOU! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAA!!! I'M FREE!!! FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! sorry. I'm just....I need some sleep....and a hug.....and a sandwich.
See you tomorrow.
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