YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY!!! WE FINALLY GOT TO COLOR!! Why am I so happy for this seemingly pointless three day period? I need the practice. I SUCK with color. Absolutely hopeless. I have no problem drawing something, but coloring it? I tend to freak.
You want me to do what with this? |
I don't know where my problem stemmed from, but if I had to, I'm putting all my money on how I never really used coloring books. I had, like, 3 growing up and that was about it. So all that time wasted not coloring outside the lines of Daffy Duck so long ago has screwed me up so much that I can't even make a proper decision on how to color something.
showoff... |
Never fear, that's why these days are here. So, let's get started and color something, huh?
To keep me interested, I've picked things to draw that.....interest me...yeah. So today, I'm leaning back on my folklore love and coloring the Green Man.
However, due to yesterday's freakishly long errand day, my mind is now elsewhere with this and this was the best I could do:
I chose to draw the disgorging Green Man because...well because I thought it was cool. But gross..... Yeah, I know. IT SUCKS. But I promise you something, I WILL go back to it and fix it up. I'm a bit busy on this end so this is all I can do today. Leave feedback for me please! I enjoy all of it!
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